
Posts Tagged ‘South Korea’

TB Joshua’s prophetic ministry is unique. Every week, he prophesies to individuals with remarkable accuracy, the prophetic messages followed by the way out of their problems. Aside from this, he regularly prophesies about major national, and international events with a consistency of accuracy that can only be attributed to divine inspiration. One recent prophecy was noted in Ghana Mma, an online Ghanaian news website…

On Saturday 23rd May, Former Prime Minister of South Korea, Roh Moo-hyn dramatically leaped to his death – a suicide that shocked the world. However, a prophet in far away Lagos, Nigeria, had spoken of the event over a month ago.

On Sunday 26th April, in a live broadcast via Emmanuel TV, Joshua said, “On Saturday, I see somebody is being rushed to the hospital – but from that hospital, he could not come back home… What we are saying here – it’s all over the world. We are talking to people that affect the world, shake the whole world, people that matter. When it happens, you will say, ‘Ha!’ ”

The Late Roh Moo-hyn, Former President of South Korea

The Late Roh Moo-hyn, Former President of South Korea

Roh, the leader of South Korea from 2003 to 2008, jumped to his death on Saturday morning, while hiking in the mountains behind his rural home in South Korea. Sustaining fatal head injuries, he was rushed to hospital in Busan but efforts to revive him proved abortive, and he died at 9:30 a.m.

“I am in debt to too many people,” his suicide note read. “Too many people have suffered because of me. And I cannot imagine the suffering they will go through in the future.”

Entangled in a scandalous corruption investigation that stained his hard-earned reputation, wrecked his emotional disposition and tarnished his clean name, Roh had been noticably troubled in the previous months. He leaves behind a grieving family and an unconcluded enquiry over accusations of fraud and bribery during his tenure. A stunned Korean nation mourned the tragic end of a man who rose from obscurity and poverty to the pinnacle of power in Seoul’s presidential Blue House. He was 62.

Surprisingly, Joshua is said to have prophesied a number of key events in the Asian continent – most recently the demise of theTamil Tiger Rebel Leader in Sri Lanka.

All his prophetic declarations are broadcast live through his religious television station, Emmanuel TV, which has garnered growing interest and viewership, particularly across Africa.

SOURCE: Ghana Mma

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